All of my days lyrics

All of my days lyrics - Hallo sahabat Lirik Lagu, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas artkel yang berjudul All of my days lyrics, saya telah menyediakan berbagai macam artikel terbaru lainnya. mudah mudahan artikel yang saya tulis ini bermanfaat buat anda semuanya.

Ditulis Oleh : Lirik Lagu
Judul : All of my days lyrics

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All of my days lyrics

All of my days (by Hillsong)

Proclaim Your awesome power
Tell of mighty deeds
Declare Your future kingdom
Of everlasting peace

And my eyes they look
Unto You always
And I am captured
By your majesty
All of my days
I will sing of Your greatness
All of my days
I will speak of Your grace

All of my days
I will tell of Your wondrous love
Your love in my life
Your love

All Your works will praise You
Your children bless Your name
We speak of all Your goodness
We walk in fields of grace

And my eyes they look
Unto You always
And I am captured
By your majesty

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