Lyric and chord : MY HEART WILL TRUST (Hillsong)

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Judul : Lyric and chord : MY HEART WILL TRUST (Hillsong)

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Lyric and chord : MY HEART WILL TRUST (Hillsong)

Reuben Morgan

Verse 1
Dsus/G D
I'll walk closer now on the higher way.
Am7 Em7
Through the darkest night will You hold my hand?
G D Em7 C G D Em7 C
Je-sus, guide my way.

Verse 2:
Dsus/G D
O, You mourn with me and You dance with me;
Am7 Em7
For my heart of hearts is bound to You.

G D Em7 C
Though I walk through valleys low
G D Em7 C
I'll fear no e - vil;
G D Em7 C
By the waters still my soul,
G D Em7 C
My heart will trust in You.
G D Em7 C
Though I walk through valleys low
G D Em7 C
I'll fear no e - vil;
G D Em7 C
By the waters still my soul,
G D Em7 C
My heart will trust in You,
G D Em7 C
My heart will trust in You.

Verse 3:
Dsus/G D
O, You counsel me and You comfort me;
Am7 Em7
When I cannot see you light my path.

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