Lyric : Yours is the kingdom (City Harvest Church)

Lyric : Yours is the kingdom (City Harvest Church) - Hallo sahabat Lirik Lagu, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas artkel yang berjudul Lyric : Yours is the kingdom (City Harvest Church), saya telah menyediakan berbagai macam artikel terbaru lainnya. mudah mudahan artikel yang saya tulis ini bermanfaat buat anda semuanya.

Ditulis Oleh : Lirik Lagu
Judul : Lyric : Yours is the kingdom (City Harvest Church)

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Lyric : Yours is the kingdom (City Harvest Church)

Every night and day
Every step of my way
I put my trust in You
And give you all of my praise

lift hands and pray
pour Your power and grace
Speak Your word of faith
move mountains out of my way

There's a vibe in the air
of Your prsence everywhere
I can feel it in my soul
You rjoy has filled my heart
no reason to despair
Jesus, Your name we declare

Yours is the kingdom and power
Forever and ever
Glory and honor be unto You
Yours is the kingdom and power
Let Your will be done on earth
As it is in heaven today

Your is the kingdom forever ohoh
Your is the kingdom forever ohoh

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