Lirik Lagu Taylor Swift - I'd Lie

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Lirik Lagu Taylor Swift - I'd Lie


Taylor Swift : I'd Lie Lyrics
Songwriters: Swift, Taylor Alison

I don’t think that passenger seat
Has ever looked this good to me
He tells me about his night
And I count the colors in his eyes
He’ll never fall in love he swears
As he runs his fingers through his hair
I’m laughing cause I hope he's wrong
I don't think it ever crossed his mind
He tells a joke I fake a smile
That I know all his favorite songs

I could tell you his favorite color's green
He loves to argue, born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful, he has his father’s eyes
And if you asked me if I love him,
I’d lie

He looks around the room
Innocently overlooks the truth
Shouldn’t a light go on?
Doesn’t he know that I’ve had him memorized for so long?
He sees everything black and white
Never let nobody see him cry
I don’t let nobody see me wishing he was mine


He stands there then walks away
My god if I could only say
I’m holding every breath for you...

He’d never tell you but he can play guitar
I think he can see through everything
But my heart
First thought when I wake up is
My god he’s beautiful
So I put on my make up
And pray for a miracle

Yes I could tell you his favorite color's green
He loves to argue oh and it kills me
His sisters beautiful he has his father’s eyes
And if you asked me if I love him
If you asked me if I love him
I’d lie

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would you please submit your corrections to me? Thank You

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