Lifehouse - It Is What It Is lyrics

Lifehouse - It Is What It Is lyrics - Hallo sahabat Lirik Lagu, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas artkel yang berjudul Lifehouse - It Is What It Is lyrics, saya telah menyediakan berbagai macam artikel terbaru lainnya. mudah mudahan artikel yang saya tulis ini bermanfaat buat anda semuanya.

Ditulis Oleh : Lirik Lagu
Judul : Lifehouse - It Is What It Is lyrics

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Lifehouse - It Is What It Is lyrics

Lifehouse - It Is What It Is lyricsit is what it isi was only looking for a shortcut homebut it's complicatedso complicatedsomewhere in this city is a road i knowwhere we could make itbut maybe there's no making it nowtoo long we've been denyingnow we're both tired of tryingwe hit a wall and we can't get over itnothing to reliveit's water under the bridgeyou said it, i get iti guess it is what it

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